Publications & Presentations

My Publications



Albers, R. & Johnson, B. (2016). Service Learning: Engaging Female Emirati Students. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 2(2), 161-166.

Albers, R., Davison, C.J.& Johnson, B. (2017). Inquiry-based learning: Emirati university students choose WhatsApp for collaboration. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives,14(2), 1-17.

Brooke, K., Aden, M., Al-Kuwari,N., Christopher, V., Ibrahim, H., Johnson, B., Souyah, O. (2012). Placement testing in an EFL Context. Perspectives, 19(2), 13-20.

Hickey, J. &Johnson, B. (2015). Laying ‘the groundwork’ for a post-licensure interprofessional education initiative in Qatar. Avicenna: Vol. 2015 1, 4.

Hubball, H., Clark, A., Webb, A., Johnson, B. (2013). Developing institutional leadership for the scholarship of teaching and learning:Lessons learned with senior educational leaders in multi-national research-intensive university contexts. International Journal of University Teaching and Faculty Development, 4(4), 237-253.

Johnson, B. (2012).Project Management for Educational Technology. In R.C. Richey (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Terminology for Educational and Communications and Technology. New York, NY: Springer.

Johnson B, Pyburn R, Bolan C, Byrne C, Jewesson C, Robertson-Malt S, El-Tawil M, Verjee M. (2011). Qatar Interprofessional Health Council: IPE for Qatar. Avicenna,2.

Johnson, B., Abi Hayla, M., Jewesson, P., Byrne, C., Verjee, M., El Tawill, M. (2015). Core Interprofessional Education (IPE) health competencies: The process of adaptation and implementation for a local environment. Journal of Local and Global Health Science, 3. (

Johnson, B., Ryba, K. (2016). Cultivating a Culture for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Journal on Centers for Teaching and Learning, 7, 51-71. (

Lemke-Wescott, T. & Johnson, B. (2010). Research on international learning styles of post-secondary students in Qatar. European Learning Styles Information Network, 571.

Lemke-Wescott,T. & Johnson, B. (2012). Different Cultures and Learning Styles Matter in a Canadian University with Middle Eastern students. Literacy Information and Computer Education: Special Issue,1(1),1-10. (ISSN:  2040 2589

Lemke-Wescott, T. & Johnson, B. (2013). When culture and learning styles matter: A Canadian university with Middle Eastern students. Journal of Research in International Education, 12(1), 66-84.

Verjee, M., Johnson, B., Jewesson, P. (2020). Measuring student changes of role perceptions in health professions before and after multiple interprofessional education workshops. [Submitted to Journal of Interprofessional Care, June 2020].


Caird, J. and Johnson, B. (1998). Ten Lessons Learned: Development and Revision of Web Course Materials. New Currents in Teaching and Learning, 5(8).

Greenberg, S. and Johnson, B.F. (1997). Studying Awareness in Contact Facilitation. Proceedings of CHI97.

Johnson, B. (1997). Making the transition between traditional and Web based course material: Overcoming the obstacles. Ed-Media & Ed-Telecom 97.

Johnson, B. (1999). Determining support needs for a distance-based collaborative project. The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

Johnson, B. (1999). Determining Support Needs for a Distance-Based Collaborative Project. POSTER. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Conference, University of Calgary.

Johnson, B. (2000). Review Essay: Inspiration® v6.0, Classroom Ideas: Using Inspiration® for Teachers by Teachers, and Exploring Inspiration®: Interactive Training CD-ROM. International Electronic Journal For Leadership in Learning, 4.

Johnson, B. (2004). Open-Source Software: In support of Educational Research. Best Practices in E-Learning: Online Conference, 2004.

Johnson, B. (2004). Using Asynchronous Tools to Teach With. Best Practices in E-Learning: Online Conference, 2004.

Johnson, B. and Greenberg, S. (1999). Judging People’s Availability for Interaction from Video Snapshots.Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Distributed Group Support Systems Minitrack, January, IEEE Press.

Johnson, B., Scialfa, C., Ellard, J.,  Dobson, M., Nairn, S. (1999). Concept mapping and essay writing as learning aids in introductory psychology. The 22nd Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology.

Johnson, B.F and Caird, J.K. (1996). The effect of frame rate and video information redundancy on the perceptual learning of American Sign Language. Proceedings of CHI96. , 121 – 122.

Li,Q. and Johnson, B. (2004). Diverse populations and cognitive flexibility theory: An instructional design model. Educational Technology, 44(5), 55-58.

Li,Q. and Johnson, B. (2004). Diverse populations and cognitive flexibility theory: An instructional design model. Proceedings of Ed-Media 2004, 3938-3943.

Mueller, J., Simms, C., Johnson, B., Scialfa, C., Nairn, S., Ellard, John (1999).Self-Efficacy in a First-Year Introductory Psychology Course. POSTER. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Conference, University of Calgary.

Simms, C., Johnson, B., Dobson, M.,Scialfa, C., Mueller, J., Nairn, S., Wenger, L., Ellard, John (1999). Concept-mapping and Outlining in Introductory Psychology. POSTER. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Conference, University of Calgary.

Conference Proceedings

Johnson, B., Davison, C.J., Moralejo, L. (2011). Smartphones in clinical nursing practice: What are the benefits and the challenges? Proceedings from 10th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, Beijing, 18-21 October (pp. 63-65). Beijing: Beijing Normal University.

Lemke-Wescott, T. & Johnson, B. (2012). Globalization: Different Cultures and Learning Styles Matter: A Canadian University with Middle Eastern students. Proceedings from Ireland International Conference on Education, 16-19 April (pp.170-173). Dublin.


Albers, R. & Johnson, B. (2015).Community Service Learning: Engaging Emirati Business Students International Conference on Teaching and Learning. Singapore.

Byrne, C., Tapp, D., Johnson, B., Thornton, L. (2012). The University of Calgary – Qatar: Learnings from the past five years. 2012 Global Forum. New Players and New Directions: The Challenges of International Branch Campus Management, Kuala Lumpur.

Christopher, V., Brooke, K., Johnson, B., Aden, M., Al Kuwari, N., Ibrahim, M., Souayah, O. (2011). Learner independence through collaborative research: An Undergrad Student Research Project. Presented at TESOL Arabia, Dubai.

Christopher, V., Brooke, K., Johnson, B., Aden, M., Al Kuwari, N., Ibrahim, M., Souayah, O. (2011). Learner independence through collaborative research: An Undergrad Student Research Project. Presented at TESOL Qatar, Doha.

Davison, C.J., Howarth, B., Johnson, B. (2019). Educational Development for Advancing Academic Integrity, POD Network Conference 2019, Pittsburgh.

Gitsaki, C. & Johnson, B. (2015). Mobile Learning in Higher Education: Teacher & Student Perspectives. Educause 2015, Indianapolis.

Graham, J.M., Johnson, B., Moralejo, L. (2011). A Framework to Move Nursing Students to Deeper Understanding. Presented at 2nd European Transcultural Nursing Association Conference, Limerick.

Johnson, B. (2014). Engaging Ideas & Innovative Practices. UCQ 2nd Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning in Qatar

Johnson, B. (2014). Interprofessional continuing education – state of the science in Qatar. 1st Academic Health System (AHS) Continuing Education Symposium for Healthcare Educators in Qatar.

Johnson, B. (2014). Inter-professional Education Assessment & inter-rater reliability. 1st Academic Health System (AHS) Continuing Education Symposium for Healthcare Educators in Qatar.

Johnson, B. (2015). The impact of an IPE Workshop on student perceptions of other Healthcare professions. First Middle Eastern Conference on Interprofessional Education, Doha, Qatar.

Johnson, B., Graham, J.M., Moralejo, L. (2011). Using Guided Inquiry to prepare first year nursing students in transcultural settings. Presented at  International Journal of Arts & Sciences, Prague.

Johnson, B., Davison, C.J., Moralejo, L. (2012). Faculty perceptions of teaching and learning in a
transnational branch campus. Alliance for International Education, Doha.

Johnson, B., Davison, C.J., & Moralejo, L. (2013). Smartphones in clinical nursing practice: A multiphase approach to implementation and deployment. IADIS International Conference IADIS Mobile Learning, Lisbon.

Lemke-Wescott, T. & Johnson, B. (2011). Learning style differences of Middle Eastern students in Qatar and faculty from Canada. Presented at ELSIN 2011,16th Annual Conference, Antwerp.

Lemke-Wescott, T.,Johnson, B., Al Naqeeb, B., El Agami, Y., Khan, N., Nouh, S. (2011). International learning styles of post-secondary students in Qatar: A Pilot Study at the University of Calgary in Qatar. Presented at TESOL Arabia, Dubai.

Morelejo, L., Graham, J.M., Johnson, B. (2011). Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP): A Process of Collaborative Learning in Research. Presented at International Journal of Arts & Sciences, Prague.

Invited Presentations

Johnson, B. (2014). Center for Teaching Learning Perspectives. Engaging Ideas and Innovative Practice Conference, University of Calgary – Qatar.

Johnson, B. (2014). Interprofessional continuing education – state of the science in Qatar. 1st Academic Health System (AHS) Continuing Education Symposium for Healthcare Educators in Qatar.

Johnson, B. (2014). Inter-professional Education Assessment & inter-rater reliability. 1st Academic Health System (AHS) Continuing Education Symposium for Healthcare Educators in Qatar.

Johnson, B. (2014). Mobile Learning and 21st Century Skills. Keynote presentation at the Academic Bridge Program Research Roadshow. Zayed University.

Johnson, B. (2015). Forming Good Research Questions. Research Professional Development Days. Higher College of Technology, Dubai.

Johnson, B. (2018). Faculty Perceptions of Teaching EAL students at a Canadian Transnational Branch Campus: What we learned, what we did about it, and what it means for our context: Centre for English Language Learning, Teaching and Research, Simon Fraser University

Johnson, B. (2020). An interview with Dr Brad Johnson regarding his experiences with Interprofessional Healthcare Education in Qatar. Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences, Washington,


Johnson, B., Malo, D., Al Hebabi, J., Al Jasmi, L., Pervez, S., Syed, G., Yadegari, F., Whitehead, C.(2011). Building self-confidence in evidence-based nursing (EBN): a participatory action research involving nursing students and primary health care nurses in Qatar. Poster presented at RCN Annual International Nursing Research Conference, Harrogate.

Johnson, B. (2012). The development of a set of shared core IPE competencies and evaluation criteria for Qatar: The process and the product. Qatar Foundation Academic Research Forum, Doha.

Johnson, B. (2015). The development of a rubric to evaluate IPE competencies in game and scenario activities. First Middle Eastern Conference on Interprofessional Education, Doha, Qatar.

Johnson, B. (2015). The development of an IPE workshop for Students from up to Four Professions. First Middle Eastern Conference on Interprofessional Education, Doha, Qatar.