
My Teaching

Teaching and students are my primary interest. It seems I’m never able to teach as much as I’d like, but thoroughly enjoy it when I do. Pedagogically I have stayed as close to an inquiry model as possible with variations where necessary and appropriate. The student populations I have worked with have ranged from first year nursing and education students to masters and doctorate level education students. Courses were typically taught in person using blended techniques or online using asynchronous and synchronous technologies (e.g., Moodle, Blackboard, Collaborate, Wiki’s, etc.).

Academic Courses

Course Name Description Program Delivery Year
Applied & Experiential Learning This is an introductory course that provides students with hands-on experience in working with case-studies and in teams. Substantial support is provided in and throughout the course in team dynamics setting students up for success as they continue their studies. College of General Education, UDST Classroom 2021-2022
Computers in Education II The emphasis is on the development of educational technology solutions to instructional or educational problems. Solutions are designed in accordance with research findings, learning theory, usability and screen design, and on the learners themselves. Graduate Division of Educational Research, Calgary Classroom



Conceptualizing Educational Technology This course is typically taken by students entering the first year of their Educational Technology graduate program. We discuss the past, present and future of educational technology with a strong emphasis on learning theory and technology. Graduate Division of Educational Research, Calgary Online 2008
Concepts of Statistics This is an introductory course in statistics and includes descriptive and inferential statistics, measures of central tendency, t-tests, ANOVA, correlation coefficients, and nonparametric tests. The emphasis is on understanding quantitative statistics and research design. It is designed to be a (mostly) non-math approach to statistics. Nursing Program, University of Calgary in Qatar



Classroom 2010-2012
Facilitating On-Line Learning


Increasingly our workplace, business, educational, social and personal activities occur through on-line communication with others. While this assumes a technological knowledge of computers, there continues to be a rich source of emerging research on the way we engage in online dialogues with others. Through the understanding of the rationale, uses and interaction of the media, we are able to make our communication more meaningful through this technology. Graduate Division of Educational Research, Calgary Online 2008
Integrating Technology into Practice This is part of a block course that integrates several courses into one comprehensive and coherent course. The goal is to provide education students with exposure to pedagogically driven use of technology to support their teaching practice. College of Education, Zayed University


Classroom 2014-2017
Nursing Inquiry This is an introductory course that is meant to provide nursing students with the tools necessary to conduct scholarly inquiry. We are piloting an approach that integrates evidence-based-practice and guided inquiry as a way for students to more fully engage with and understand how to frame research-able questions, to search for evidence, and to integrate the evidence into a well reasoned written proposal. Nursing Program, University of Calgary in Qatar


Classroom 2011-2012
Project Management Develop models and methods to help estimate and complete projects of any scale and content. As the course is offered in the department of educational research, the focus is on educational projects. Graduate Division of Educational Research, Calgary Classroom




* Note: Online teaching was cohort-based with synchronous and asynchronous pedagogical integration. The instructor led and facilitated the course.

Professional Development, Certificate Programs

A significant part of my work at all of my teaching and learning centers has been to develop and deliver professional development certificate courses for faculty.

Course Name Description Program Year
Sustained New Faculty Orientation For new faculty. A series of carefully targeted seminars and workshops delivered over the first two semesters at UCQ. Teaching and Learning Centre Programs,

University of Calgary in Qatar

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Introduction to classroom-based research: methods, designs, ethics, dissemination. Innovative Teaching Program *, Center for Educational Innovation, Zayed University


Excellence in Teaching program, Applied and Experiential Learning, University of Doha for Science and Technology






Innovative Teaching Practice Explore pedagogical strategies to enhance teaching practice Innovative Teaching Program *, Center for Educational Innovation, Zayed University 2015-2017
Engaged Teaching Great Teachers approach to pedagogical change. Innovative Teaching Program *, Center for Educational Innovation, Zayed University 2014
Perspectives in Teaching Based on Brookfield’s Four Lenses of Reflective Practice. New Faculty Orientation Program, Department of Applied and Experiential Learning, University of Doha for Science and Technology 2020-2022

* The Innovative Teaching Program consist of seven week certificate courses requiring participation and capstone projects.

Continuing Education

Earlier in my teaching career I developed and delivered courses for the Department of Continuing Education at the University of Calgary.

Department of Continuing Education (1997-2004), University of Calgary
I assisted in the growth and development of the Web Designer and the Web Developer Certificate programs. I developed and piloted new courses as well as evolving existing courses to match industry need. I also performed a complete program analysis to help align course and program goals.
I designed and developed the following courses to meet the changing and growing needs of our certificate program.

1)     Advanced Web Design and Evaluation

2)     Animation Meets the Web

3)     Basic HTML

4)     Design Tools for the Web

5)     Graphic Design Fundamentals

6)     Intermediate HTML

7)     JavaScript and DHTML – Advanced

8)     Multimedia WebPrimer

9)     SQL-Web Database

10)  Website Management